School News

Letter from Principal 13-10-2020

Dear Parents, Guardians & Students, Please see the important details for the week ahead. Level 3 Restrictions:  The school has conducted a review of its Covid-19 procedures following the announcement of Level 3 restrictions nationwide. From Monday 12th of October 2020, please ensure that your child has everything they need for the school day with […]

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School News 05-10-2020

Prefects for 2020/21 Well done and best wishes to all 6th years who were selected as Prefects for this coming year. Front L-R: Aisling Ryan, Reanne Conlon, Nicole O’Donoghue, Sharon Shanahan (Head Girl), Rory Hogan (Head Boy) Ciara Kavanagh, Abby Feehan and Ahlam Seyf. Back Row L-R: Kenny Lee, Dylan Hogan, Patrick Sheeran, Cameron Fairbrother […]

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School News 11-09-2020

School Concert in Aid of Uganda We were very lucky to be able to go ahead with our annual school concert on Wednesday 11th March last in St. Cronan’s Catholic church before lockdown. We sincerely thank the Parish for allowing us to use the church and the setting was beautiful for the event.  The acoustics […]

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School News 07-09-2020

Passing of our Former Teaching Colleague It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing of our former teaching colleague Pat Coonan. Pat was a wonderful English teacher and instilled the love of the language to all his students. He was actively involved in debating, cultural days, school concerts, Drama and in later […]

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