Transition Year trip to Ballyhass Co. Cork
About two weeks ago we went to Ballyhass on our first trip as TY’s, it was an excellent trip because we got to know our fellow students better. Around 65 TY’s went with four teachers. We left on Wednesday morning and on our way down we stopped in to the Crescent Shopping Centre Limerick for an hour for a bit of shopping then we continued on to Cork. When we arrived to Ballyhass we were welcomed with open arms and were immediately divided into groups for our activities. The activities that they facilitated were the leap of faith, zip lining, kayaking, team challenges, abseiling and there was an activity that was a raft pulled across the lake really fast by a line. On the Wednesday we arrived we did two activities, with each group doing two different activities. It was great fun. On Thursday we had a busy day and we had to do four activities. The staff at Ballyhass Lakes were really kind to us. They encouraged us to do activities and helped us to accomplish them but also they were great crack.
The accommodation was brilliant. We stayed in the Sunfort Language School. We were given our breakfast and dinner each day. There was a big lawn outside and a lot of the lads brought their hurls and had a puck around. On the Wednesday evening we had a Disco and on the Thursday evening we had a Table quiz and a Ceilí. These activities were organized by our Teachers. Our bedroom arrangements were very good. There were six of us assigned to a room and this gave us a chance to get to know each other better. On Friday morning we had our breakfast and headed home. On the way home we went back to the Crescent for some more shopping and after that we went to the Hunt Museum in Limerick. It was very interesting because there was a lot of old artefacts and even though we didn’t get to see everything it was still very fascinating. Our first trip was amazing and we really look forward to our next trip.
(Katie Scully and Kristina Sabau)