School News – 24 May 2024

Annual Awards Ceremony 2024

On Wednesday May 22nd we held our annual awards ceremony in school. This is a whole school event and a chance  to celebrate not just the academic achievements of our students, but also their personal, extra-curricular and sporting successes.   It was a wonderful occasion  and a fantastic opportunity to recognize the work of our students. Congratulations to each and every award winner, certificate recipient and achievement recognized.


5th Year School Tour

On Thursday 23rd May our 5th Year students went on their school tour to Pallas Karting and enjoyed a fun-filled day of paintballing and go-karting. We are assured that a fantastic day out was had by all. Thanks to their teachers and Year-Head Ms. McMahon for facilitating the day.


Sixth Year Graduation

On Thursday 23rd May we held our annual 6th Year graduation ceremony. It was a wonderful evening of thought, reflection and celebration for a fantastic bunch of students who truly made their mark on our school in their time with us. We wish them all every success in their upcoming state exams but also with their future endeavors.


9 CPR athletes qualify for All-Ireland Track and Field Championships 2024

The Munster schools T&F championships were held in Templemore AC on Sat. 18th May. Coláiste Phobal Ros Cré were represented in style by 11 athletes. Undoubtedly the highlight of the day were the relays. In the minor boys relay, Kailum O’Meara started with tremendous speed, taking the bend at ease and handing over smoothly to Osayamon Ogbebor Egharevba who ran the 2nd leg with determination and grit. With a precise handover, Luke Marks rounded the bend in full throttle and again ensured a clean handover to Harry O’Donoghue. Harry powered down the final straight with lightning speed crossing the line in 2nd place. It was a wonderful team performance, showcasing the boys speed, skill and teamwork.

Soon afterwards, the junior boys took to the track. Christian Nolan exploded rapidly out of the blocks handing over the baton to Alex Andronic with flawless precision. Alex maintained the team’s lead as he blazed down the back straight. Again a seamless transition of the baton from Alex to Jack Walsh ensured the boys lead. Jack powered through the bend with determination, widening the gap before the final handover to Brendan Duma. Brendan surged towards the endline securing a strong finish and victory for the team. The team beamed with pride standing in the number 1 spot on the podium and deservedly so!

Earlier in the day, Brendan Duma had medalled in the Junior boys long jump. He finished in 2nd place with a jump of 5.18m. Throughout the event, Brendan maintained strong and consistent efforts with jumps of 4.68m, 4.99m, 4.84m, and 5.06m.

Kailum O’Meara was also 2nd, this time in the minor boys long jump. Kailum delivered a series of impressive jumps and was very consistent, jumping 4.58m, 4.56m and 4.53m in 3 of his 5 jumps.

In the Inter Girls’ discus event, Marie Shanahan demonstrated her skill and resilience to finish in 3rd place. Her best throw was 30.28m. Despite facing challenges with 2 early fouls, Marie kept her composure and secured another strong throw of 29.66m. Her performance, shows her strength of mind and determination in the competition.

Marie had earlier in the day competed in the hammer event. She delivered a fine performance, achieving a personal best with a top throw of 38.11m, showing her exceptional ability and dedication in the throwing events. Marie finished in 4th place only 66cm behind 3rd place.

Alex Andronic was 3rd in the junior boys 100m. Unfortunately with only 2 to qualify from the laned events, Alex does not qualify for the All Ireland competition. Ramai Havatitye gave a fine performance in the Inter long jump, showing his potential and competitive spirit, even though he faced tough competition. In the U16 Boys’ mile, Jakub Noj demonstrated his endurance and determination, completing the race with a time of 5:52. He maintained a steady pace throughout, reflecting his dedication and commitment to middle-distance running.

The All Ireland Schools T&F championships will be held in the Harriers AC, Tullamore on Fri. 31st May and Sat. 1st June. We wish Marie, Kailum and Brendan the very best of luck in their individual events and both the minor and junior teams in the relays.

Winners of the Jnr Boys Relay.

Minor Boys Relay team – 2nd in Munster.

Kailum O’Meara – 2nd in minor boys long jump.