School News – 15 Sept 2023

Further Education 

Enrolment in our further education courses continues, with places still available. These are focused skills-based courses and many graduates progress directly to the workforce or to third level education after completion. Further Education places are open to all adults who satisfy the course requirements.  

Students have many different reasons for applying: – training and a formal qualification need, a new career choice with better employment prospects, improving existing skills, returning to education, re-joining the work force or just starting out on the first course after leaving school. Students who successfully complete the course graduate with both a work qualification and points for college.  

Our graduates engage in a range of activities after completing their course – both in employment and third level studies. We have links with colleges and career guidance to help our students make good and informed decisions about their future. If you are interested in applying for any of our courses or would like to learn more please go to 


TY Trip to Ballyhass 

This week our Transition Year students have enjoyed a trip to Ballyhass Lakes Activity Centre, Mallow, Co. Cork. They have had an absolutely fantastic week. Some students even took the opportunity to try and overcome some of their fears. We had a couple with fears of heights doing ziplines, rock walls and abseiling!!! A super group who had a fantastic time, thanks of course to Ms. Mulrooney for coordinating, to the staff at Ballyhass Lakes Activity Centre and to all the teachers who travelled and facilitated the trip.